Friday, April 5, 2013

The overthinking believer

I think too much.

Way too much.

Seriously. About anything and everything, big and small. Relevant and irrelevant. I just can't stop. I've tried many times. But it doesn't do me a lick of good. My mind just keeps going and going with no signs of stopping.

This has, historically speaking, caused a ton of worry in my life. It's even to the point that I've been known to recount entire conversations over and over in my head just to analyze, and see if I said something but meant something else. It's a wonder I'm not one of those high strung personalities that goes and goes and goes, and overworks and over stresses himself.

I blame a chemical imbalance for this lack of "drive". I've had it as long as I can remember. I just don't seem to have the ability to go above and beyond in most cases. My life consists of hanging in there just enough to get by, and that's all I can do.

I call it a blessing though, because it forces me to realize I don't have control. With my over thinking, I would become overly confident in myself and my ability to be "on top of things", had I the proper energy. I would forget that I am ultimately useless when it comes to choosing my path in life.

Because I really am just along for the ride. Sure, I can make life decisions big and small. But, it's really not up to me. Which, is a good thing because I really do not know what is best for me. Sure, I have some ideas. But those change with the seasons, and I'm indecisive.

But God, who is completely unchanging, is not. So His plan for me is His plan for me, and will never change. Better than that even, He loves me. So His direction for my life consists of amazing things for me. Things so good I can't even imagine. And that's an extreme comfort. I know with confidence that no matter what I do, or where I end up, I am going to be blessed beyond measure because He calls me son.


So, where does this leave my brain that loves to overthink?

Well, I for one think that my thoughts still have a purpose in light of the gospel of grace. Worry has no place, that's for sure. But that's not to say thoughts about anything and everything are inherently bad. God gave my my brain, and God gave me my reason to go along with it.

And when worry is taken out of the equation, it becomes a great asset. I get to meditate on the wonders of this life and world we've been given. I get to dig as deep as I can into the infinitude of the character of Christ. I get to find new ways to explain my experiences, and the world around me. And best of all, I get to reveal to others small hints of what God has revealed to me. My overthinking is then turned around into a method of inspiring and uplifting those around me in the Truth of the Word.

When separated from worry, my thoughts have great value.

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